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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Egg Fu Young with IP Eggs

Since I was out for lunch yesterday and had a salad and a chicken breast :) I was IP'g for dinner...

Egg Fu Young

Chopped and lightly steamed (in water) 2 cup mixture of bean sprouts, mushrooms, onions & celery.
Spread evenly around pan and pour 1 tbsp olive oil over top.
Mix up IP eggs as per package directions and pour over veggie mixture.
Cook like a regular omlette.
Remove from pan and top with soy sauce.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spaghetti Florentine

I.P. Spaghetti
2 C frozen spinach (I buy Europe's Best as it comes in little squares
so you don't have to thaw the entire package)

Prepare I.P Spaghetti. While it's sitting, put spinach into boiling water and stir
until thawed and heated. Drain well and stir into spaghetti. Enjoy.
(Keep the water to use for your soups - extra nutrients!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chocolate Pancakes

Tried them. Didn't love them!
So this morning I tried the muffin in the microwave... YUM!
Here's what I did...
  • Pam sprayed a ramkin dish
  • Made mix per package directions for a muffin (consistancy is thicker, more like a cake mix)
  • Microwaved for 30 sec (as per pkg) and it wasn't even close to being done
  • Microwaved for another 30 sec... still not done
  • I flipped the muffin in the ramkin dish and microwaved for another 30 sec (1.5 mins total)

It was fabulous, wish I would have brought some of the Maple Syrup with me to pour on top!

I would like to welcome all of our client's to our Blog! Sandra and I are hoping that we get some great insight's, personal experiences, and recipes to help all of our client's through their journey to a goal weight they are achieving through the Ideal Protein Protocol.
We are looking forward to reading some of the Blog's as I know that this will be a great way to share Idea's!
I would like to personally thank all of our client's who have been supportive of Sandra and myself for taking on the challenge of Ideal Protein and making it a wonderful new adventure for the both of us!
We look forward to Monday's now! We love seeing our client's reaction when they loose inches and weight! It makes us both feel special that we have been able to introduce our friends and clients to a safe way to loose body weight with out loosing Muscle Mass.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just to let all know, I have been extremely successful with ideal protein. Whanna know how successful?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ideal Protein Blog

Hi Everyone! just a quick note as i try to remember and learn how to use this site.. as the time goes on i will improve and hope you all can add tips and tricks that you have adopted to make your new life style change more rewarding to you!